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MLOps flow

  • Design: requirements engineering, use case prioritization, data availability check
  • Model development: data engineering, model engineering, testing and validation
  • Operations: model deployment, CI/CD pipelines, monitoring and alerting

Model Design

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis
    • [[Descriptive Statistics]]
    • [[Distributions]]
    • Boxplots - gives descriptions of the data with min/max, IQR and median
      • Gives the 25th percentile to 75th percentile range which is the inter-quantile-range (IQR)
      • Also gives the min and max which is defined as Q1 - 1.5 * IQR or Q3 + 1.5 * IQR
      • Outliers are outside of the min and max range
    • [[Correlations]]
  2. Data Preparation
    1. Feature Preprocessing
      • Fill missing values or remove the column entirely if too many values are missing
        • Impute with mean or median, interpolation with linear or other methods
      • Remove outliers to ensure robustness of sensitive models
        • As identified in box plots
      • Encode features from string into integer
        • sine/cosine transformation to maintain cyclic relationships
    2. [[Split training and testing]] to avoid overfitting of the model the training data and avoid data leakage
    3. [[Feature Transformation Techniques]] to bring the distribution of the feature into a more normal like distribution
    4. [[Feature Scaling Techniques]] to bring features into the same space for model convergence
    5. [[Feature Engineering]] to create powerful features that is more informative for the model
    6. [[Class balancing]] to help models predict rare occurrences
  3. Model Selection
    • [[Supervised Learning]]
      • Regression
        • [[Linear Regression Model]]
        • Polynomial regression model
        • [[Quantile Regression]]
        • [[Tree Regressors]]
      • Classification
        • [[KNN]]
        • [[Naive Bayes]]
        • [[Support Vector Machines]]
        • [[Logistic Regression]]
        • [[Decision Trees]]
        • [[Tree Ensembles]]
    • Unsupervised Learning
      • [[Kernel Regression]]
      • [[k-means]]
      • [[Gaussian Mixture Models]]
      • [[DBSCAN]]
    • Semi-supervised Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • [[Recommendation Systems]]
  4. Model Fit
    • Loss Functions
      • L1 loss function (sum of the absolute errors)
      • L2 loss function (sum of the squared errors)
      • Pinball loss function
    • Hyperparameter tuning result in change in model performance and combined with cross-validation techniques we can find the best set of hyperparameters
      • Grid Search
      • Random Search
      • Bayesian Optimization
  5. Model Evaluation
    • Commonly used [[Error metrics]] to evaluate regression type models
    • Bias-variance tradeoff
      • The best predictive model is one that has good generalization ability which is able to predict accurately to new and previously unseen data
      • high bias can lead to okay performance but too general -> under-fit
      • high variance can lead to low errors with existing data but not necessarily with new data -> overfit
    • [[Regularization Techniques]]
      • L1 regularization (LASSO) which reduces the coefficient values
      • L2 regularization (RIDGE) which penalizes higher powers
    • Model fit vs complexity
      • AIC
      • BIC
    • SHAPLY
  6. Model Score
    • Score on unseen data as the true evaluation of the model
  7. Serialization
    • Pickling of the entire process of fitted data preparation and fitted model parameters

Inference testing

  • Using sample data to make conclusions about a population parameter
  • [[Frequentist Inference Testing]]
  • [[Bayesian Inference Testing]]

Causal Inference

  • Establishing cause-and-effect relationships. It aims to determine whether a change in one variable (the cause or treatment) leads to a change in another variable (the effect or outcome)
  • [[AB Testing]]
  • Difference in difference
    • Fit a regression to the two groups to the observed metric and the coefficient estimated is the difference


  • [[Bayes Theorem]]
  • [[Linear Algebra]]